Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Million dollar freezers

My husband decided we needed a freezer because the freezer part of our refrigerator doesn't keep ice cream frozen . Today when I got home from work he wanted to go buy one . So , we shopped around for the best price and the size that we needed . Now many of you women may be thinking , what's the big deal . Well , today was a very big deal . For many years I have purchased needed items by myself . Of course my husband supplied the means to purchase but involvement beyond a check was seldom . Today was a heart moment for me . It was romantic . It made me feel important and loved . Maybe you are thinking that I need a life or a little more excitement . Not really . I have craved a companion and friend . Just a simple conversation about nothing really major . A ride in the car to look for something . Table talk over a turkey sandwich . Knowing what events are happening for the week and being there . As we drove to Lowe's to purchase the freezer it occurred to me what I was really getting . I looked over in the seat beside me and saw my friend . I have longed for this day . To call my husband my friend . We women or I'll just speak for myself , I need my husband to be my friend in the kitchen , the den , the yard , the hallway in the car , the grocery store and between our walls . I have friends . But , no other person will fit in my place , in my world , in my life , quite like my husband . We purchased the freezer . It cost 172.00 but it's worth a million to me .

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