Sunday, February 28, 2010

Does God change his mind?

In the women's Bible study this morning the question was asked about God's will and if he ever changes his mind. I answered yes, without hesitation, then saw the shock on some of the women's faces. I realized I was stepping on sacred, not to be discussed, ground. Sensing the the shock factor I pulled back stating that my belief is based on my faith and relationship with God. I sensed fear first of all. Fear, that I was speaking completely out of order. Anyway, my heart has been troubled by this today and so I have been researching. Isaiah 38:1-22 gave me answers. Hezekiah had been told by Isaiah, that he was going to die. He had better get his house in order and prepare to die. Hezekiah immediately turned his heart to the Lord and prayed and wept. He reminded God of h is faithfulness, his devotion and his attempts to do good and guess what? The Lord told Isaiah to go back to Hezekiah and him his prayer had been heard and his tears seen.He was giving him fifteen more years to live with signs and a promise. Now, this is where we have to be careful. I believe that God's will is perfect, complete, without tarnish or blemish, but I also believe that he hears our heart. He feels our pain, our confusion, our worries, our fears. For me to think that my God doesn't change his mind would have me to believe I should be praying to a stone cold God. Of course God knows the outcome in all things. He is in control of all things. I do not doubt his power, nor his love. Someone stated they could not live in peace knowing God could change his mind or me that gives me even more peace because IF I am asking him to lead me, guide me to do his will and purpose then the outcome does not change. He will never leave or forsake me and that is what is really important. That will never change.

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