Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Do you have your back to school supplies ?

Our school starts back in two weeks . We are on the year round school schedule . This year both of my children will be attending high school . My son is a junior and my daughter a freshmen . There isn't a school supply list to fill this year . We won't know what they need until their teachers tell them . The other night my daughter was expressing concerns over choosing the right classes so she can go to college . She was worried she won't have the right credits . I explained to her about choosing the four year pathway and the counselors will help her . She is worried about getting lost , not finding a class , etc . She is a freshmen cheerleader , our son is playing football . These next two years are going to fly . Soon we will be looking at colleges . With cheering and football , the weeks will be packed with practices , games , homework , social activities , and work . I want to be there when my daughter asks me about her outfit . I want to be cooking supper when my tired son pulls in the driveway from football . I want a home where there are dirty clothes to be washed . I want the phone to be ringing with information about the quarterback club or a cheer project to do. I want to be excited about the first home football game and my daughter's first cheer opportunity. There may not be a supply list that came in the mail this year , but I have a list . What I need is.... to be there , to listen , to be excited , to share feelings , share concerns , be informed , know friends , stay connected , stay active , and to love without end . I may not be buying crayons or sissors this year , but I am buying season tickets to football and a cheer shirt . Money can't buy how much I will love being a parent to two young people at the high school this year .

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