Friday, July 14, 2006

Doe he really need to be there?

Last night my daughter had a cheerleading performance at the baseball field. It took quite a while for the show to get started so I let my son go home. He was tired of waiting. As soon as her dance was over, my daughter walked over and asked me where
Bill was. When I told her he went home I saw the look on her face. She was so disappointed. I realized I had made a mistake. She was hurt that he had gone home. When we arrived home I explained that no longer would we change plans to stay for something. Once we leave the house we are staying unless something is really wrong. I had just taught my children about being undependable. Maybe you are thinking that there will be other opportunities to watch her performance. Of course, you are right; however, the one she needed him to watch, the night she was looking for him to be in the stands, he wasn't there. We all talked about the night and what we would do different next time. I explained to my son that a sister's big brother is an important role in life. He is her trophy. She can walk out from her friends to stand beside her big brother. He can drive her places. She will go to the high school in two weeks and everyone will know she is Bill's little sister and he is her brother. He has a responsibility to her and one of the most important is simply to be there for her, when she wants him and when she needs him. Silly? I don't think it is ever silly when a person loves someone so much that they look for them in the crowd. I think that is wonderful. He'll be there.

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