Monday, August 21, 2006

Why do sweet girls like the sour guys? It doesn't mix.

My daughter has a friend who has a thing for a fellow. Now, I know this is a natural occurring event in the teenager's life, what I wish wasn't natural is the draw of these rough, tough guys, for some girls. Even after this young man has cussed-out my daughter's friend, she is still infatuated with him. Even after he has said mean, rude things to her, she still can't get over him. What has gone wrong here? Sorry parents, but I am not a believer in this set yourself free stuff about being a parent. I believe that we parents are responsible for many problems our children have today. Girls learn what to expect from their boyfriends, from what is accepted at home. Young men learn to treat young women by the standards set at home. Respect, dignity and honor are to be enforced at the home front. So what are girls looking for these days? Why have we allowed the image of men to be shaped by how tough and disrepectful they can act? Many homes do not have a father figure to shape a girl's image of a male figure. Many mothers are subjected to ridicule and degrading comments from their spouse. When I picked-up my daughter, she had just spent time with her friend, she commented on how this girl is still so caught up in this guy. As my daughter asked me why can't her friend just move on and find someone who will treat her nice, I realized that the answer lies within walls of her home and her heart. There is something missing. She is looking for something she cannot receive at home. She doesn't realize the beauty of being a young, beautiful teenager girl, lies in her soul, and this treasure deserves to be treated with respect, courtesy, and the golden rule. Mixing salt and sugar only works in recipes for sugar cookies.

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